I've been playing with icefrogs since the bug abuse it can do to 'alchemist' and 'pudge', and been looking for other heroes where those icefrogs can be also useful.
Here are some:
1. You just need a 'helm of dominator' to use it as a walking wards, since it is invisible it can be very useful specially if it is located on some of the key points on the map.
2. You can also use it as an escape for 'naix' infesting an invisible unit, and yes the frog will remain invisible.
3. You can use it on 'Necrolic(visage)' to summon those black revenants.
4. If you are a hero with hide effects or lothars, and your opponents have gems, the icefrogs can be helpful during a chase. Leaving an icefrog on the path will make their heroes auto attack it, leaving you running to safety. Just be careful and make sure that you're not the one auto-attacking.
5. Againts moonrider, yurnero and lich (with gem) it will greatly help to distribute the damage (hopefully haha).
6. Infinite Mana for Necrolyte.
What else do you have in mind ?
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